Alex Sniderman

Alex Sniderman’s work focuses on the healing connections between artistic and spiritual expression. Initially a skeptic, his journey began when he found Western medicine could not help him recover from a deep personal loss. In his search for answers, he intuited that his crisis was spiritual, and opened himself to working with healers from a variety of traditions, eventually finding peace in his own spiritual practice. He works with individuals and groups utilizing artistic and spiritual tools from both East and West, and encourages clients to use their own intuition and creativity to discover personal truth.

A musician as well as an avid student of Eastern and Western spirituality, Alex conducts songwriting workshops with youth at Riker’s Island and other detention facilities, and facilitates music sessions with clients struggling with issues including schizophrenia, developmental disabilities, Alzheimer's disease and dementia. He has worked with several spiritual teachers over the last several years including Birdie Lawson, and is honored to be part of 4D’s healing community.